The Society of Sigma Gamma Epsilon

The National Honor Society for the Earth Sciences

**** GSA Connects 2024****
Glad to see all of you in Anaheim
Looking forward to San Antonio in 2025

Upcoming Deadlines

Advisors: Please check our Awards Page for changes to the James C. Walters Quality Chapter Award and Chapter Service Award Applications. There is a new form for the Service Project information.

September 22-25, 2024 GSA Connects Anaheim California), in support of Chapter Service Award and JCW Quality Chapter Award applications (found at > Awards > W A Tarr Award Application).

September 23, 2024 1:00 – 5:00 PM 36th Annual SGE Student Poster Session
T20. 36th Annual Undergraduate Research Exhibition Sponsored by Sigma Gamma Epsilon

Academic Regalia for graduation. Please submit your orders for Honor Cord sets or Honor Stoles with 10 business days lead time so we may process the order. Regalia orders for more than one graduate will be shipped to the chapter advisor. We have limited old stock. Prices increase September 1

November 1, 2024 Deadline for submission of Fall 2024 Chapter Members Form (found at > Officer Resources > Member Form). Be sure to include returning Life Members even if you only initiate new members in the Spring. This is a prerequisite for applying for the Quality Chapter Award

March 15, 2025 Deadline for submission of Spring 2025 Chapter Members Form If you are still in the process of initiating new Members, please do submit the form as you are able.

April 1, 2025 Deadline for submission of 2025 Tarr Award Applications (found at > Awards > W A Tarr Award Application). If your chapter has not yet finalized the award process, please DO submit an application. We ask at least 7 business days before the date of presentation.

Call to Convention
First Notice

The National Council has accepted an invitation from the Delta Psi Chapter (Western Illinois University) to host the Society’s 47th Biennial Convention on WIU’s Quad Cities Campus – located in Moline, Illinois, on the east bank of the Mississippi River. The convention is scheduled for April 11-13, 2025 and planning is underway. The Friday afternoon through Sunday noon schedule is designed to minimize the number of class days that delegates would need to miss. The Quad Cities International Airport (MLI) serves the area. At this time, we encourage chapters to “save the date” and to start making plans for a delegate to attend. We welcome chapters to send more than one member if possible; chapter advisors are also welcome and encouraged to attend.

In addition to being a lot of fun and a chance to expand networking – there will be field trip to explore the local geology on Saturday – the biennial conventions serve an important function in that the delegates set policy for SGE as a student-run organization. Your national officers advise and carry out the policies established at the national conventions. For this convention, the National Office will provide a $500 stipend for one official delegate from each active chapter. Alternates will receive stipends of $50. Chapter advisors participating in this meeting will receive $250 stipends. Stipends can be combined if your chapter would like to bring a group  (e.g. – rent a van and travel together). Meals and lodging during the meeting will be provided.

Complete details, including registration instructions, will be provided to chapters at a later date.

Wildcat Den State Park
(S. W. Bennett photo)

Black Hawk State Historic Site
(S. W. Bennett photo)

Western Illinois University-Quad Cities Riverfront Campus (S. W. Bennett photo)

Fryxell Geology Museum, Augustana College (S. W. Bennett photo)

Welcome to our newest chapter: Iota Gamma!

The National Council of Sigma Gamma Epsilon welcomes our newest chapter Iota Gamma at Sewanee: The University of the South!

Petitioners at Sewanee: the University of the South pose on campus
Successful student petitioners pose during a recent SGE site visit to their campus in Sewanee, Tennessee.
Back Row, left to right: Prof. Chris Van de Ven, Elsie McCarthy (Chapter President), Matthew “Matt” Thompson, Paul “Rob” Walker, Carlos Madrid Nunan, Leyden Schelke, and Prof. Rick Ezell. Front row left to right: Aydah Daniels, Erica “Grace” Scott, Prof. Lily Thompson (Faculty advisor), and Grace Parkhill. (D. Burns photo)

We are pleased to announce the successful petition of students at Sewanee: The University of the South, to become the 216th Chapter of SGE – Iota Gamma!
The Iota Gamma chapter was installed effective March 22, 2024 with the initiation of 15 Student Charter Members. Welcome!

Want to start a chapter at your school? All you need to do is ask! (submit a petition). Interested schools should check the information on our About Us and FAQ pages.

Welcome to the new National Editor of The Compass
Scott Beason!

The National Council welcomes Mr. Scott Beason to the post of National Editor of our journal The Compass! Scott is the Park Geologist at Mount Rainier National Park. He has extensive experience in geomorphology and hazard assessment.
We are also glad to announce that after a brief pause, The Compass has renewed publishing this summer! Look for the newest issue here
We look forward to your manuscript submissions. For many professionals, The Compass was the first publication venue.

Fall 2024 Letter from the National President

Fall 2024 Letter from the National Secretary-Treasurer


Geological Society of America CONNECTS 2023
35th Annual Undergraduate Research Exhibition (Technical Session 11)
Pittsburgh, PA | October 16, 2023

Austin A. Sartin Award Winners Kathleen Farr and Michael Buchanan receive certificates from SGE President Steve Bennett.

Austin A. Sartin Award

The 2023 Austin A. Sartin Award was awarded jointly to Kathleen Farr and Michael Buchanan, two members of the Eta Nu Chapter at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Kathleen and Michael were co-authors on a poster presentation that reported on the use of a variety of data sets to produce a 1:24,000-scale geologic map of the southern half of the 7.5-minute Rawley Springs Quadrangle in western Virginia. The detailed mapping increased knowledge of the North Mountain thrust fault system and the fluvial geomorphology of the region. Their abstract is linked here.

Charles J. Mankin Award winner E K Vigil receives the award from Steve Bennett

Charles J. Mankin Award

The 2023 Charles J. Mankin Award was awarded to  E Vigil, a member of Theta Omega Chapter at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville, Tennessee. E was a co-author on a poster presentation that reported on the analysis of insect herbivory on fossil leaves from the Claiborne Formation (Middle Eocene) of Kentucky. The amount and diversity of insect damage were shown to be positively correlated with changes in the partial pressure of CO2 and temperature, thus providing an analog for the consequences of future climate change. The abstract is linked here.

Poster judging completed by SGE National Officers Steve Bennett, Diane Burns, Rick Ford, Claire Marshall, and Alexander Stewart. Text by R. Ford, photo credit L. Potter. Plans are already underway for SGE’s poster session at the 2024 GSA annual meeting. Details will be provided on this site later in 2023. We hope to see you in Anaheim, CA!

(SGE is a GSA-Affiliated Society)

2024 Awards

The National Council is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 W. A. Tarr Awards. These awards are presented by chapters to an outstanding student in the Earth Sciences. This year, 29 chapters announced recipients. Each recipient receives a certificate and cash award. Congratulations!
A list of this 2024 recipients is located HERE

Congratulations to our 2024 SGE – James C. Walters
Quality Chapter Award winners!

Gamma Sigma, University of Northern Iowa
Gamma Chi, Eastern Illinois University

At the 2022 Biennial Convention, delegates voted to rename the Quality Chapter Award as the James C. Walters Quality Chapter Award. Dr. Jim Walters recently stepped down as National Secretary-Treasurer, but has held several National Offices, and served as advisor to the Gamma Sigma Chapter for many years. To qualify for this award, Chapters must regularly report returning and new members, and provide service to the community. These chapters exemplify the qualities described above and received a certificate and cash award. Congratulations!

Congratulations to our 2024 SGE Chapter Service Award winner!

Gamma Sigma, University of Northern Iowa
Gamma Chi, Eastern Illinois University

The SGE Chapter Service Award is presented to chapters that exhibit exemplary service to their communities. Required service hours are based on the number of active members in the Fall semester.

Spring 2023 Letter from the National President

2023 Letter from the National Editor

Spring 2023 Letter from the National Secretary-Treasurer


Geological Society of America CONNECTS 2022
SGE Student Research Exhibition (Technical Session 68)
Denver, CO | October 10, 2022

Audrey Bowman, Austin A. Sartin Award winner
Annabella Kennedy stands in front of her poster
Annabella Kennedy, Austin A. Sartin Award winner

Austin A. Sartin Award

The 2022 Austin A. Sartin Award was awarded to Audrey Bowman and Annabella Kennedy, two members of the Eta Xi Chapter at St. Lawrence University. Aubrey and Annabella were co-authors on two complementary poster presentations that reported on the use of dendrochronology techniques to evaluate slope-stability modeling in Alaska. Dr. Alexander Stewart, faculty advisor for the Eta Xi Chapter, is their research advisor. Audrey’s and Annablla’s abstracts are linked.

Kathyrn Bauman and Hannah Bates stand by their poster
Kathyrn Baumann and Hannah Bates,
Charles J. Mankin Award winners

Charles J. Mankin Award

The 2022 Charles J. Mankin Award was awarded to Kathyrn Baumann and Hannah Bates, two members of the Eta Sigma Chapter at Middle Tennessee State University. Kathryn and Hannah were co-authors on a poster presentation that reported on the use of petrological and geochemical techniques to determine potential protoliths for the metamorphic rocks exposed at Chunky Gal Mountain, part of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Dr. Warner Cribb, chapter advisor for Eta Sigma Chapter, is their research advisor. Their abstract is linked.

Thanks to SGE member Scott Beason, Park Geologist at Mount Rainier National Park, for serving as a guest judge. Plans are already underway for SGE’s poster session at the 2023 GSA annual meeting. Details will be provided on this site later in 2023. We hope to see you in Pittsburgh, PA!

(SGE is a GSA-Affiliated Society)

46th SGE Biennial Convention
Selmer, TN

(click on heading to visit the Convention Page)

September 16-18, 2022

SGE 46th Biennial Convention Group Photo. Delegates, alternates, national officers and guests.
L. S. Potter Photo

Hosted by Eta alpha Chapter, University of Tennessee, Martin September 16 through 18.  Delegates, national officers, alternates, and guests converged to conduct The Society’s business.

We visited a “type section” for the world famous Coon Creek Formation lagerstätte, a ~72 million year old fossil deposit that serves as Tennessee’s link to the Age of Dinosaurs.  Over 400 species of perfectly preserved fossil clams, snails, crabs, lobsters, swimming reptiles such as mosasaurs, turtles, fish, plesiosaurs, and even plant fossils are readily collected by visitors on the site.

Dr. Michael Gibson, University of Tennessee Martin, introduce the Coon Creek Deposit
Dr. Michael Gibson, University of Tennessee Martin, introduce the Coon Creek Deposit
L. S. Potter photo

After a rustic banquet dinner our featured speaker, Dr. Roy Van Arsdale, presented “The Geologic History of the Mississippi River.”  This was followed by presentations of honors and awards. Our evening culminated in a star party hosed by Dr. Lionel Crews, an Astronomy Professor at the University of Tennessee. During the festivities, student artists produced a “lasting” imprint of the Society’s presence at Coon Creek.

Cedar Plank with SGE convention logo
SGE student-artist leave their mark
Cedar plank with names of convention participants for display at Coon Creek Nature Center
Convention attendees leave their mark at Coon Creek

Please visit our Convention Highlights page!

Please address remaining convention questions and correspondence to Lee Potter, 319-505-3391

Congratulations to our 2022 SGE Quality Chapter Awards!

Gamma Sigma, University of Northern Iowa
Gamma Chi, Eastern Illinois University

Congratulations to our 2022 SGE Chapter Service Awards!

Gamma Sigma, University of Northern Iowa

Gamma Sigma students assist with prairie burning
Some Gamma Sigma members in the field

Gamma Chi, Eastern Illinois University

Gamma Chi students at work on their service project
One result of Gamma Chi service project

Eta Gamma, Weber State University

Website modifications

Welcome to our remodeled website here at!
We are working hard to fully transition to this domain. Some of your old links may not work.

If you find a link on this site that does not function properly, please contact the Webmaster at

Please watch the site as we continue to evolve in Fall of 2022!

Our mailing address has changed. Please contact Lee Potter, with questions or concerns.