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Chapters active during 2022 – 2023 Academic Year

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Chapters by State
Delta Beta Auburn University
Department of Geosciences
Auburn, Alabama 36849
Dr. David T. King Jr.
Alpha Chi University of Alabama
Department of Geological Sciences
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0338
Dr. Rona Donahoe
Chapter website
Delta Eta University of South Alabama
Department of Earth Sciences
Mobile, Alabama 36688
Dr. Alex Beebe
Beta Chi Arizona State University
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Tempe, Arizona 85287
Gamma Delta Northern Arizona University
School of Earth and Sustainability
Flagstaff, Arizona 86011
Beta Tau University of Arizona
Department of Geosciences
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Alpha Psi University of Arkansas
Department of Geosciences
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Dr. Glenn R. Sharman
Beta Phi Southern Arkansas University
College of Science and Engineering
Magnolia, Arkansas 72701
Delta Sigma University of Arkansas, Monticello
School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Monticello, Arkansas 71656
Theta Sigma University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Department of Earth Sciences
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204
Dr. Josh Spinler
Omicron University of California, Berkeley
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Berkeley, California 94720
Omega University of Southern California
Department of Earth Sciences
Los Angeles, California 90089
Dr. David Bottjer
Chapter Website
Alpha Gamma University of California, Los Angeles
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences
Los Angeles, California 90095
Dr. Mackenzie Day
Beta Omicron University of Redlands
Environmental Studies
Redlands, California 92373
Delta Phi Stanford University
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Stanford, CA 94305
Eta Upsilon University of the Pacific
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Stockton, CA 95211
Dr. Laura Rademacher
Alpha Eta University of Colorado, Boulder
Geological Sciences
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0399
Lambda Colorado School of Mines
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
Golden, Colorado 80401
Zeta Nu Colorado Mesa University
Geosciences Program
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501-3122
Dr. Gregory Baker
Theta Zeta Central Connecticut State University
Earth and Space Sciences
New Britain, CT 06050
Dr. Jennifer Piatek
Theta Phi Wesleyan University
Earth and Environmental Science
Middletown, CT 06459
Dr. Phillip G. Resor
Theta Upsilon Eastern Connecticut State University
Department of Environmental and Earth Sciences
Willimantic, CT 06226
Dr. William Cunningham
Eta Theta Florida Atlantic University
Department of Geosciences
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991
Beta Psi University of Florida
Department of Geological Sciences
Gainesville. Florida 32611
Dr. Mark Brenner
Epsilon Psi University of Miami
Department of Geological Sciences
Coral Gables, Florida 33124
Dr. James Klaus
Zeta Psi University of South Florida
School of Geosciences
Tampa, Florida 33620-5550
Theta Pi Florida State University
Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences
Tallahassee, Florida 32306
Dr. William Parker
Alpha Tau Emory University
Department of Environmental Sciences
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Epsilon Rho Georgia State University
Department of Geosciences
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Dr. Daniel Gebregiorgis
Zeta Omega University of Georgia
Department of Geology
Athens, Georgia 30602
Theta Delta Columbus State University
Department of Earth & Space Sciences
Columbus, Georgia 31907
Dr. Kimberly Shaw
Theta Mu University of West Georgia
Department of Geology
Carrollton, Georgia 30118
Dr. Brad Deline
Theta Chi Georgia Institute of Technology
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
Dr. Samantha Wilson
Psi University of Idaho
Department of Earth and Spatial Sciences
Moscow, Idaho, 83844
Gamma Rho Boise State University
Department of Geoscieces
Boise, Idaho, 83725
Dr. Karen Viskupic
Alpha Iota Augustana College
Department of Geology
Rock Island, Illinois 61201
Dr. Jeffrey C. Strasser
Chapter Website
Alpha Xi University of Chicago
Department of the Geophysical Sciences
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Never Installed
Gamma Chi Eastern Illinois University
Department of Geology and Geography
Charleston, Illinois 61920
Dr. Diane M. Burns
Zeta Eta Southern Illinois University- Carbondale
Department of Geology
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
Zeta Xi Monmouth College
Environmental Studies and Sustainability
Monmouth, Illinois 61462
Eta Phi Northern Illinois University
Department of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment
DeKalb, IL 60115-2854
Dr. Megan Brown
Delta Psi Western Illinois University
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and GIS Sciences
Macomb, Illinois 61455
Dr. Steven W. Bennett
Epsilon Iota DePauw University
Department of Geology and Environmental Geoscience
Greencastle, Indiana 46135
Gamma Lambda Indiana State University
Department of Earth and Environmental Systems
Terre Haute, Indiana 47809
Rho Indiana University Bloomington
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-1403
Dr. Erika Elswick
Dr. Brian Yanites
Alpha Phi Purdue University
Earth, Atmospheric, & Planetary Sciences
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Epsilon Gamma Indiana University – Purdue University at Ft. Wayne
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805
Theta Omicron Indiana University Northwest
Geosciences Department
Gary, Indiana 46408
Dr. Zoran Kilibarda
Student Resources
Beta Pi Cornell College
Department of Geology
Mount Vernon, IA 52314-1098
Dr. Emily Walsh
Gamma Theta University of Iowa
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Gamma Sigma University of Northern Iowa
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614
Dr. Siobahn Morgan and Dr. Alexa R. C. Sedlacek
Chapter Facebook Page
Delta Kappa Iowa State University
Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Ames, Iowa 50011-3212
Zeta Theta Fort Hays State University
Department of Geosciences
Hays, Kansas 67601
Alpha Nu Kansas State University
Department of Geology
Manhattan, Kansas 66506
Alpha University of Kansas
Department of Geology
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Dr. C Marshall
Gamma Beta Wichita State University
Department of Geology
Wichita, Kansas 67260
Dr. William Parcell
Delta Chi Eastern Kentucky University
Department of Physics, Geosciences & Astronomy
Richmond, Kentucky 40475
Epsilon Epsilon Murray State University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Murray, Kentucky 42071
Chi University of Kentucky
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Dr. Frank R. Ettensohn
Beta Epsilon Centenary College of Louisiana
Geology Department
Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
Beta Nu University of Louisiana at Lafayette
School of Geosciences
Lafayette, Louisiana 70504
Beta Xi Louisiana Tech University
College of Applied and Natural Sciences
Ruston, Louisiana 71272
Delta Delta Nicholls State University
Department of Chemistry and Physical Sciences
Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301
Delta Iota Louisiana State University
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Gamma Iota University of Louisiana – Monroe
School of Sciences
Monroe, Louisiana 71209
Beta Eta Tulane University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118
Gamma Omicron University of New Orleans
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
New Orleans, Louisiana 70148
Dr. Mark Kulp
Epsilon Pi McNeese State University
Department of Chemistry and Physics
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70605
Epsilon Tau University of Maryland
Department of Geology
College Park, Maryland 20742
Alpha Kappa Johns Hopkins University
Morton K. Blaustein Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Dr. Kevin Lewis
Beta Theta University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9297
Zeta Iota Bridgewater State College
Department of Geological Sciences
Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02325
Dr. Robert Cicerone
Epsilon Nu University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Environmental, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Lowell, Massachusetts 01854
Lori Weeden
Theta Epsilon University of Massachusetts, Boston
School for the Environment
Boston, Massachusetts 02125
Dr. Elizabeth Boyle
Iota University of Michigan
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109-1063
Dr. Gregory Dick
Alpha Rho Michigan State University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
Beta Rho Michigan Technological University
Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Houghton, Michigan 49931
Gamma Kappa Albion College
Earth and Environment
Albion, Michigan 49224
Dr. Carrie Menold
Epsilon Kappa Central Michigan University
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48859
Delta Omicron Hope College
Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences
Holland, Michigan 49423
Zeta Sigma Western Michigan University
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008-5150
Theta Alpha Adrian College
Department of Geology
Adrian, Michigan 49221
Dr. Sarah L. Hanson
Nu University of Minnesota
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Eta Omicron University of Minnesota Duluth
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Duluth, Minnesota 55812
Dr. Christina Gallup
Zeta Omicron Millsaps College
Geology Department
Jackson, Mississippi 39210
Dr. James B. Harris
Alpha Upsilon Mississippi State University
Department of Geosciences
Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762
Dr. Kelsey Crane
Gamma Mu University of Mississippi
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
University, Mississippi 38677
Dr. Jennifer Gifford
Epsilon Theta Northwest Missouri State University
Department of Natural Sciences
Maryville, Missouri 64468
Dr. John Pope
Delta Omega Missouri State University
Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning
Springfield, Missouri 75804
Epsilon University of Missouri
Department of Geological Sciences
Columbia, Missouri 65211
Eta Missouri University of Science and Technology
Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
Rolla, Missouri 65409-0410
Dr. John P. Hogan
Delta Gamma Washington University
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
St. Louis, Missouri 63130
Beta Delta Montana State University
Department of Geosciences
Missoula, Montana 59812
Eta Delta Montana State University
Department of Earth Sciences
Bozeman, Montana 59717-348
Dr. David R. Lageson
Gamma Pi Chadron State College
Department of Physical and Life Sciences / Geoscience Program
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
Dr. Michael B. Leite
Delta University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
Pi University of Nevada, Reno
Geological Sciences & Engineering
Reno, Nevada 89557
Gamma Nu University of Nevada Las Vegas
Department of Geoscience
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154
New Hampshire
Eta Psi Keene State
Environmental & Sustainability Studies
Keene, NH 03435
Dr. Steven Bill
New Jersey
Beta Beta Upsala College
East Orange, New Jersey
Closed in 1995
Epsilon Lambda Rider College
Department of Geological, Environmental, and Marine Sciences
Lawrence, New Jersey 08648
Epsilon Mu Rutgers University – Newark
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Dr. Alexander Gates
New Mexico
Beta Mu University of New Mexico
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131
Gamma Tau New Mexico Highlands University
Department of Natural Resources Management
Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701
Gamma Omega New Mexico State University
Department of Geological Sciences
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003
Delta Upsilon New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Earth and Environmental Science
Socorro, New Mexico 87801
New York
Phi Colgate University
Department of Earth & Environmental Geosciences
Hamilton, NY 13346
Theta Cornell University
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Ithaca, NY 14853
Delta Nu Stony Brook University
Department of Geosciences
Stony Brook, New York 11794-2100
Epsilon Upsilon Brooklyn College – CUNY
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Brooklyn, New York 11210
Zeta Upsilon Long Island University – C. W. Post Campus
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Brookville, New York 11548
Delta Theta Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Troy, New York 12780-3590
Dr. Sarah Cadieux
Eta Xi St. Lawrence University
Geology Department
Canton, New York 13617
Dr. Alexander K. Stewart
Zeta Gamma SUNY Binghamton
Department of Geological Sciences
Binghamton, New York 13801
Eta Rho SUNY – Geneseo
Department of Geological Sciences
Geneseo, New York, 14454-1401
Dr. Dori Farthing
Eta Beta SUNY – College at Potsdam
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
Potsdam, New York 13676-2294
Dr. Christian Schrader
Zeta Rho SUNY Oneonta
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Oneonta, New York, 13820
Dr. Bailey Zo Kreager
SGE Campus website
Zeta Phi University of Rochester
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Rochester, New York 14627
Dr. Rory Cottrell
Zeta Chi SUNY University of Buffalo
Department of Geology
Buffalo, New York 14260-4130
Zeta Mu Syracuse University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Syracuse, New York 13244-1070
Eta Chi SUNY Brockport
Department of Earth Sciences
Brockport, NY 14420
Dr. Mark R. Noll
Theta Beta SUNY New Paltz
Geology Department
New Paltz, NY 12561-2443
Dr. Frederick Vollmer
Theta Iota SUNY Oswego
Department of Atmospheric & Geological Sciences
Oswego, New York, 13126
Dr. Paul Tomascak
Never Installed
Theta Lambda Hofstra University
Department of Geology, Environment & Sustainability
Hempstead, New York, 11549-1140
Dr. J. Bret Bennington
North Carolina
Epsilon Xi Duke University
Nicholas School of the Environment
Durham, North Carolina 27708
Epsilon Phi East Carolina University
Department of Geological Sciences
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Dr. Eric Horsman
Epsilon Sigma University of North Carolina – Charlotte
Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
Charlotte, North Carolina 28223
Dr. Andy Bobyarchick
Gamma Psi Western Carolina University
Geosciences and Natural Resources
Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723
Alpha Alpha University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Earth, Marine, and Environmental Sciences
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
Dr. Drew Coleman
Chapter Website
Theta Kappa University of North Carolina Wilmington
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5944
Dr. Ai Ning Loh
North Dakota
Beta Zeta University of North Dakota
Harold Hamm School of Geology and Geological Engineering
Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202-8358
Dr. Joseph Hartman
Zeta Lambda Ashland University
Department of Chemistry, Geology & Physics
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Beta Upsilon Bowling Green State University
Department of Geology
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
Dr. Margaret Yacobucci
Gamma Zeta Kent State University
Department of Earth Sciences
Kent, Ohio 44242
Dr. Daniel Holm
Iota Alpha Marietta College
Dept. of Petroleum Engineering and Geology
Marietta, Ohio 45750
Dr. Tej Gautam
Alpha Theta Miami University
Department of Geology and Environmental Earth Science
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Eta Iota Muskingum College
Geology Department
New Concord, Ohio 43762
Sigma The Ohio State University
School of Earth Sciences
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Epsilon Beta Ohio University
Department of Geological Sciences
Athens, Ohio 45701
Dr. Katherine Fornash
Delta Lambda Ohio Wesleyan University
Environment and Sustainability
Delaware, Ohio 43015
Alpha Delta University of Cincinnati
Department of Geology
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0013
Eta Tau University of Dayton
Department of Geology & Environmental Geosciences
Dayton, Ohio 45469-2364
Dr. Chia-Yu Wu
Gamma Eta University of Toledo
Department of Environmental Sciences
Toledo, Ohio 43606
Dr. Mark J. Camp
Delta Epsilon Wright State University
Department Earth & Environmental Sciences
Dayton, Ohio 45435
Dr. Stacey Hundley
Alpha Omega Oklahoma State University
Boone Pickens School of Geology
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078
Gamma University of Oklahoma
School of Geosciences
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Beta Lambda University of Tulsa
Department of Geosciences
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104-3189
Alpha Zeta Oregon State University
College of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5506
Theta Tau University of Oregon
Department of Earth Sciences
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1272
Dr. Samantha Hopkins
Theta Xi Allegheny College
Department of Geology
Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335
Dr. Tamara Misner
Zeta Alpha PennWest – California
Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences
California, Pennsylvania 15419
Dr. Kyle C. Fredrick
Zeta Epsilon PennWest – Edinboro
Geosciences Department
Edinboro, Pennsylvania 16444
Dr. Eric Straffin
Delta Zeta Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Department of Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705
Eta Mu Juniata College
Geology Department
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania 16652
Dr. Katherine Johanesen
Kappa Pennsylvania State University
Department of Geosciences
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Delta Tau Slippery Rock University
Department of Geography, Geology, and the Environment
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057
Dr. Tamra Schiappa
Eta Lambda Susquehanna University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania 17870
Dr. Jennifer M. Elick
Theta Rho Temple University
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122
Dr. Atsuhiro Muto
Beta University of Pittsburgh
Department of Geology and Environmental Science
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260
Dr. Charles E. Jones
Delta Pi Waynesburg College
Department of Environmental Science
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 15370
Zeta Beta West Chester University
Earth and Space Sciences
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19383
Dr. Joby Hilliker
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Zeta Zeta College of Charleston
Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
Charleston, South Carolina 29424-0001
Dr. Norman Levine
South Dakota
Theta Nu South Dakota Mines
Formerly South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Dept. of Geology & Geological Engineering
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
Dr. Liangping Li
Gamma Gamma University of Tennessee
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Knoxville, Tennessee 37966
Eta Alpha University of Tennessee at Martin
Department of Agriculture, Geosciences & Natural Resources
Martin Tennessee 38238-5039
Dr. Angie Van Boening
Eta Sigma Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Geosciences
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Dr. Warner Cribb
Theta Omega Tennessee Technological University
Department of Earth Sciences
Cookville, TN 38505
Dr. Jeanette Wolak
Iota Beta University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Biology, Geology, & Environmental Science
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Dr. Ashley Manning-Berg
Theta Gamma Angelo State University
Department of Physics & Geosciences
San Angelo, Texas 76909-0904
Dr. Heather Lehto
Zeta Pi Baylor University
Department of Geosciences
Waco, Texas 76798
Dr. Steve Dworkin
Delta Mu Hardin-Simmons University
Department of Chemistry & Physics
Abilene, Texas 76798
Epsilon Zeta Midwestern State University
Kimbell School of Geosciences
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
Dr. Andrew Katumwehe
Beta Sigma Rice University
Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
Houston, Texas 77251
Gamma Phi Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Earth Sciences and Geologic Resources
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962
Dr. Liane Stevens
Chapter Website
Delta Rho Sul Ross State University
Department of Biology, Geology, and Physical Sciences
Alpine, Texas 79832
Dr. Elizabeth Measures
Gamma Xi Texas A&M University
Department of Geology and Geophysics
College Station, Texas 77843
Dr. Mark Everett
Gamma Epsilon Texas A&M University, Commerce
Formerly East Texas State University
Environmental Science
Commerce, Texas 75428
Eta Eta Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences – Geology
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Epsilon Delta Texas Christian University
Department of Geological Sciences
Fort Worth, Texas 76129
Alpha Beta Texas Technological University
Department of Geosciences
Lubbock, Texas 79409
Dr. Aaron S. Yoshinobu
Delta Xi Trinity University
Department of Geosciences
San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200
Dr. Ben Surpless
Beta Iota University of Houston
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Houston, Texas 77204-5503
Zeta University of Texas at Austin
Jackson School of Geosciences
Austin, Texas 79698
Beta Omega University of Texas at Arlington
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Arlington, Texas 76019
Dr. Arne Winguth
Alpha Lambda University of Texas at El Paso
Department of Geological Sciences
El Paso, Texas 79968
Dr. Richard Langford
Chapter website
Zeta Delta University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Department of Geosciences
Odessa, Texas 79762
Epsilon Omega University of Texas at San Antonio
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
San Antonio, Texas 78249
Janet Vote
Gamma Upsilon West Texas A&M University
Department of Life, Earth, & Environmental Science / Geology
Canyon, Texas 79016
Alpha Sigma Brigham Young University
Department of Geological Sciences
Provo, Utah 84601
Eta Epsilon Southern Utah University
Department of Geosciences
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Dr. Grant Shimer
Mu University of Utah
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0102
Beta Gamma Utah State University
Department of Geosciences
Logan, Utah 84322-4505
Eta Gamma Weber State University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ogden, Utah 84408-2507
Dr. Ryan Frazier
Chapter and Clubs Webpage
Theta Psi Westminster University
Geology Program
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
Dr. Nick Pollock
Eta Kappa University of Vermont
Department of Geography and Geosciences
Burlington, Vermont 05405
Dr. Keith Klepeis
Delta Alpha College of William and Mary
Department of Geology
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187
Linda Morse
Chapter Webpage
Epsilon Omicron George Mason University
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Dr. Geoffrey Gilleaudeau
Eta Nu James Madison University
Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences
Harrison, Virginia 22807
Dr. Steve J. Baedke
Epsilon Alpha Mary Washington College
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
Epsilon Chi Old Dominion University
Department of Ocean and Earth Sciences
Norfolk, Virginia 23529
Epsilon Eta Radford University
Department of Geology
Radford, Virginia 24142
Dr. Elizabeth McClellan
Alpha Mu Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department of Geosciences
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. Mark Caddick
Beta Kappa University of Virginia
Department of Environmental Sciences
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Alpha Epsilon Ammonite Club University
Seattle, Washington
Never installed
Eta Zeta Central Washington University
Department of Geological Sciences
Ellensburg, Washington 98926-7418
Theta Eta University of Puget Sound
Department of Geology
Tacoma, Washington 98416-1048
Dr. Mike Valentine
Beta Alpha University of Washington
Earth and Space Sciences
Seattle, Washington 98195-1310
Xi Washington State University
School of the Environment
Pullman, Washington 99164
Dr. Johannes Hammerli
Tau George Washington University
Geological Sciences Program
Washington, DC 20052
West Virginia
Theta Theta Concord University
Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences
Athens, West Virginia 24712
Dr. Joseph Allen
Upsilon West Virginia University
Department of Geology and Geography
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
Dr. James Lamsdell
Zeta Tau University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Department of Geology
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54702-4004
Zeta Kappa University of Wisconson, Oshkosh
Department of Geology
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901
Dr. Tim Paulsen
Eta Pi University of Wisconsin, Parkside
Geosciences Department
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141
Dr. Zhaohui Li
Gamma Alpha University of Wisconsin, Superior
Geology and Earth Science Program
Superior, Wisconsin 54880
Eta Omega University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Department of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science
Whitewater, WI 53190
Dr. Rex Hanger